Mrs. Mary C. Martin (Parsley) was born in 1902 in the city of Springfield Ohio. She was a woman who grew up with a big vision and with great expectations in life. As a young woman she married Mr. Harvey H. Parsley – a World War I veteran. Through that union they had eight children during a time when the country was economically strapped. These were also very difficult times for people-of-color. It was also during the time of the Great-Depression and the 1929 Stock-Market-Crash. But Dad was a hardworking man and determined to care for his family. Then in 1941, World War II began. Eventually, in 1942 the marriage ended. Although, experiencing times of lack – Mother continued to raise their children and did so in the admonition of the LORD.
Mary C. Parsley, our Mother, never lost her vision to help others. In Twenty Twelve (2012) I discovered where she had written in a book from her library – words concerning her vision, “I want to have two million dollars by 1952 to feed, clothe and house people.” Also, over the many years of her life - she stressed the desire for her children and others to have a formal education.
Mary C. Parsley had a Vision to help others. That was a big Goal for a woman born in 1902 whose plight was one of struggle and hardship. Nevertheless, she wanted to have two million dollars by 1952 so that she could implement her vision. This vision no doubt was given to her by the LORD. Now, her vision is going forward through her family and others who share in accomplishing her goal – as the MCP Foundation Inc. (of Ohio).
The MCP Goal of course is to assist in supporting those who are: homeless in sheltering them; hungry in feeding them; needing clothing to clothe them; and seeking an education to gain a better quality of life. MCP’s Goal is not limited to these areas of help but also offers biblical, religious, ministerial, scientific and educational materials to support and enhance spiritual growth and enlightenment.
MCP will also collaborate with other supporting organizations or agencies.
Mary C. Parsley
Her Children